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what can a bio-tomatoe do 4 u?
tomatoes contain myo-Inositol, a natural insulin sensitizer on the celluar level, in particular with high concentrations in liver, ovarien and sperm cells. it has proven in clinical trials efficacy in women suffering PCOS and fertility issues in men and women. bio4u licensed the product for female pro-fertility from the Italian company LoLi International which brought this product called INOFOLIC® to over 20 countries in Europe and the even the US. In Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway and Sweden your partner bio4u brings INOFOLIC® to you. We developed in Switzerland our male pro-fertility counterpart INOMAN® and launch it March 1st 2017 in all of the above markets.
what can honey do 4 u?
ancient egyptian physicians used honey in medicinal compounds 5,000 years ago and the ancient greeks believed that honey could promote virility and longevity. honey has been used in traditional chinese medicine for thousands of years and is still important today.
so almost all over the world honey has been used by humans to treat a variety of ailments through topical application. Researches state: "the healing property of honey is due to the fact that it offers antibacterial activity, maintains a moist wound condition, and its high viscosity helps to provide a protective barrier to prevent infection. its immunomodulatory property is relevant to wound repair too. the antimicrobial activity in most honeys is due to the enzymatic production of hydrogen peroxide."1 the power of honey has been the basis for the gels developed and produced in Switzerland for WellFor. Honey is healing herpes wounds and damaged skin in oral ulcers.
what can alchemilla vulgaris (lady's mantle) do 4 u?
the main medicinal use of alchemilla vulgaris is as an astringent and due to its anti-inflammatory, soothing and healing properties to treat wounds and bruises. as stated in publications: "among lady's mantle's historical uses are as a mild astringent, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, menstrual cycle regulator, treatment for digestive disorders, and relaxant for muscular spasms. externally, it was used widely in bath preparations, wound healing, skin bruises, and as an herbal cosmetic."2 lady's mantle plant extract possesses well-known anti inflammatory, soothing and healing properties. it has shown to also have a very high level of antioxidant activity, properties particularly useful to fight bacteria through several different pathways and was becoming employed against herpes virus and bacterial infections in canker sores.
what can mimosa tenuiflora do 4 u?
the main medicinal use of this plant is as tea against sleeping disorders, but its shows mainly in vitro studies to have antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and vasodilatory actions. mimosa displayed also some anti-tumor activity and is further investigated in studies.
said so, in wounds "therapeutic (in venous leg ulceration) effectiveness occurred in all patients of the extract group; after the 8th treatment week, ulcer size was reduced by 92% as mean value in this group, whereas therapeutic effectiveness was observed only in one patient of the control group (without mimosa)"3
what can echinacea purpura do 4 u?
echinacea is popularly believed to be an immunostimulator, stimulating the body's non-specific immune system and warding off infections. a study commonly used to support that belief is a 2007 meta-analysis in the lancet infectious diseases. three of the components of Echinacea responsible for its immune-enhancing effects: polysaccharides, alkylamides and cichoric acid. an earlier university of maryland review based on 13 European studies concluded that echinacea, when taken at first sign of a cold/infections, reduced symptoms or shortened their duration. the european medicines agency (emea) assessed the body of evidence and approved the use of expressed juice and dried expressed juice from fresh flowering aerial parts of echinacea purpurea for the short-term prevention and treatment of the common cold infection.
1. Manisha Deb Mandal, Shyamapada Mandal, Honey: its medicinal property and antibacterial activity, Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2011 Apr; 1(2): 154–160 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3609166/)
2. Bunney S, ed. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs . New York, NY: Dorset Press; 1984. and Bisset NG, ed. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals . Stuttgart, Germany: Medpharm Scientific Publishers; 1994
3. Therapeutic effectiveness of a Mimosa tenuiflora cortex extract in venous leg ulceration treatment. J Ethnopharmacol. 2007 Feb. 12; 109 (3) 523-528.
Rivera-Arce E, Chávez-Soto MA, Herrera-Arellano A, Arzate S, Agüero J, Feria-Romero IA, Cruz-Guzmán A, Lozoya X.
Laboratory of Research and Development of Phytomedicines, National Medical Center Siglo XXI, Mexican Institute of Social Security, Mexico City, Mexico. erivera@igo.com.mx